Standard Membership, Patron Membership
and Guest Membership Information
Join or renew your membership below with your major credit card. This is a secure encrypted transaction, so there’s no need to worry about your private financial information.
If you do not want to purchase online, please download this PDF form and send it to the address on the form with your check or money order.
Annual membership dues provide the cost of lecture halls, printed materials, and mailings. Officers are unpaid and there is no administrative staff or overhead, so all dues are used to support Roundtable activities.
Please note: Since PayPal charges us a finance fee for each online transaction, all online membership orders, other than donations and Gift Memberships, will include a small surcharge to cover the Roundtable’s costs. This surcharge will show up as “shipping,” even though there is no actual shipping charge for your membership. If this presents a problem to you, you may still join via postal mail with no additional charges. Just download this PDF form and send it to the address on the form with your check or money order.
Shopping Cart
Any membership you want to purchase will appear immediately below when you add that membership to your shopping cart.
The Roundtable has several levels and types of membership:
Standard memberships Student membership: $10 (for college and university students);
Individual membership: $30;
Institutional membership: $35 (for libraries and organizations)
Patron memberships
Patron memberships include basic dues and also help to support specific Roundtable projects.
All patrons are listed in that year’s New York Irish History Journal.;
Scholarship Patron: $40 sustains the O’Connor Graduate and McHugh Undergraduate awards;
Communications Patron: $50 sustains special communications with members;
Journal Patron: $100 sustains the publication of New York Irish History, the annual Journal of the New York Irish History Roundtable;
Sustaining Patron: $200 sustains all of the specific Roundtable projects above;
Benefactor: $500 sustains every aspect of Roundtable operations
Scholarship Patron: $40 sustains the O’Connor Graduate and McHugh Undergraduate awards;
Communications Patron: $50 sustains special communications with members;
Journal Patron: $100 sustains the publication of New York Irish History, the annual Journal of the New York Irish History Roundtable;
Sustaining Patron: $200 sustains all of the specific Roundtable projects above;
Benefactor: $500 sustains every aspect of Roundtable operations
Patron Memberships
Patron memberships include basic dues and also help to support specific Roundtable projects.Price: $0.00
An unrestricted contribution (in any amount) may also be made in memory of an individual:
Enter the name of the individual you are remembering, the amount of your donation, then click the “Donate” button.Price: $0.00
Give a Gift Membership to a Friend!
Include the name and address (and email address if known) of the recipient of your gift membership in the space provided below. Do not purchase without providing us this information or we can not process your gift order!Price: $30.00