New York Irish History
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Below is a sample of some of the contents from past issues:
Vol. 35 (2021): “The New York Irish History Archive: A Searchable Database” by Geoffrey Cobb; “The Irish Volunteers—Marching for Ireland in New York” by John T. Ridge; “Family and Fortune: The Remarkable Mackays of New York” by Michael Burke; “Michael Kerwin in New York: His Life and Times, Part II” by Edward J. O’Shaughnessy; “Buck Mulligan in the Big Apple: The New York Years of Oliver St. John Gogarty, 1939–1957” by Stephen Butler; “Thomas Crawford: Was The Sculptor of The American Capitol Really an Irish Immigrant?” by Geoffrey Cobb
Vol. 34 (2020): “Michael Kerwin in New York: His Life and Times, Part I” by Edward J. O’Shaughnessy; “New Rochelle: Her Part In The Irish War Of Independence” by James McGlashin; “Lucy Burns: Brooklyn-Born Irish American Firebrand and Suffragist” by Geoff Cobb; “The Reinventions of John Mullaly: Irishman, Inventor, Politician, & Publisher” by Kate Feighery; “The Donegal Colony in Brooklyn, Part II” by John T. Ridge
Vol. 33 (2019): “Rough Rider & Friendly Sons: Theodore Roosevelt Attends the 121st Anniversary Dinner of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick” by Edward J. O’Shaughnessy; “Rose of Tralee: Roots Planted in New York” by Maureen Dunphy Brady; “Father Edward McGlynn: A Controversial Catholic Priest” by Geoffrey Cobb; “Launt Thompson: Struggle and Success” by Michael Burke; “The Donegal Colony in Brooklyn” by John T. Ridge
Vol. 32 (2018): “Dynamite Mike Kelly: American Hero & Irish Patriot” by James M. Molohan; “Forgotten Legacies of Dr. Gertrude B. Kelly” by Geoffrey Cobb; “America’s Errand of Mercy to Ireland 1880” by Harvey Strum; “A Transatlantic Profile of Marguerite Moore” by Elizabeth Lee Hodges; “Wrong Way Corrigan and the New York Irish” by John Ridge
Vol. 31 (2017): “Evictions! What Major O’Shaughnessy Saw!” by Ed O’Shaughnessy; “Thomas Hunter—Visionary Irish Immigrant Educator” by Geoffrey Cobb; “McSwyny’s 400: An Immigrant’s Response” by Ed O’Shaughnessy; “John P. Holland, The Christian Brothers, and The Submarine” by Brother Harry M. Dunkak, Ph.D.; “New York Irish Seaside Resorts” by John T. Ridge.
Vol. 30 (2016): “Behind Every Great Man: John Devoy and Alice Comiskey” by Mary Ann O’Neill Kane; “Father Sylvester Malone and Bigotry in Brooklyn” by Geoffrey Cobb; “The Kellys: A Family Commitment to Benevolence” by Kate Feighery; “The Murphys: Life and Luxury in a New York Irish Family” by Michael Burke; “John Quinn, William Butler Yeats, and a Moment in New York Irish Culture, 1903–1904” by Stephen Butler, Ph.D.; “Irish Landmarks in Downtown New York” by John T. Ridge.
Vol. 29 (2015): “Among Patriots: Monsignor James W. Power and the Fight for Ireland in New York” by Kate Feighery; “Aid to Ireland During the American Civil War” by Harvey Strum, Ph.D.; “McGuinness of Greenpoint” by Geoffrey Cobb; “Achieving Great Praise in the Land Where They Would Die” by James F. Joyce, S.J.; “Irish Radio Days in New York 1922–1945” by John T. Ridge
Vol. 28 (2014): “John William Mackay: Mining A Life” by Michael Burke; “‘A Weaver by Trade’: Irish Indentured Servants in Eighteenth-Century New Jersey” by Paul Ferris; “James Irwin: Irish Emigrant Agent, New York City, 1846–1858” by John H. Fahey M.D.; “Remembering the Thomas Davis Irish Players: Importers of Ireland’s National Drama, 1933–1997” by Stephen Butler, Ph.D.; “World War II and the New York Irish” by John T. Ridge
Vol. 27 (2013): “On the Waterfront: Irish Life in Chelsea & Greenwich Village, Part II” by Joseph L. Long; “With Perfect Pitch: Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore” by Jarlath MacNamara; “The Bronx Irish At Mid-Century” by Harry M. Dunkak, Ph.D., C.F.C.; “Irish County Colonies in New York City, Part III” by John T. Ridge.
Vol. 26 (2012): “On the Waterfront: Irish Life in Chelsea & Greenwich Village, Part I” by Joseph L. Long; “East in Eden: William Niblo & His Pleasure Garden” by Benjamin Feldman; “The Demographics of the 1863 New York City Draft Riots” by Kathleen Feighery; “‘Dreadful Scenes in Newark’: The 1854 Nativist Riot” by Paul Ferris; Irish County Colonies in New York City, Part II” by John T. Ridge.
Vol. 25 (2011): “The First Irishman in New York” by Dan Milner; “Making Music in Step: The AOH Division 9 All-Accordian Band” by Hugh O’Rourke, Ph.D.; “Matilda Heron: The Best Camille” by Michael Burke; “Memories of John and Julia Keogan” by Bill Keogan; “Church Influence on Community Life in Highbridge” by Kathleen Fieghery; “Receptions of An Irish Rebel: Brendan Behan in New York City” by Stephen Butler, Ph.D.; “Irish County Colonies in New York City (Part I)” by John T. Ridge.
Vol. 24 (2010): “I Heard They Went to New York: The Migrants of Monaghan” by Terri Connolly Cook; “Irish in His Life: Donal O’Callaghan” by Alfred Isacsson, O.Carm.; “The Best Air in the City: Socioeconomics of the Irish in Highbridge” by Kathleen Feighery; “The Charles B. Quinn Collection: A Source for the Study of Irish History and Irish Culture” by Harry M. Dundalk, Ph.D., C.F.C.; “Thanks to My Ancestors (Wherever You Came From): What I Learned Doing Genealogy” by Robert J. McGrath; “Going Home—Travel to Ireland from New York” by John T. Ridge.
Vol. 23 (2009): “Organizing Transit: The Irish and the TWU” by Eileen O’Donnell Sheehan Ginn; “The Brown-Robed Army” by Alfred Isacsson, O.Carm.; “Irish Schoolmasters in Early New York City” by Harry M. Dundak, Ph.D., C.F.C; “Michael McCarthy: The Family History of a Hero” by Gavin Reilly, O.F.M. Cap.; “New York and County Kerry, 1851–1930” by John T. Ridge.
Vol. 22 (2008): “Music in the Mountains: The Irish Catskills and Traditional Music” by Brendan Dolan; “William Randall Roberts: Merchant and Diplomat” by William Keogan; “County Associations in Irish New York, 1945–1965” by Miriam Nyhan, Ph.D.; “The Irish Shop Around the Corner: Manhattan’s Irish Import Stores” by John T. Ridge; “Irish Collective Violence and the New York Catholic Church” by Hugh O’Rourke, Ph.D.; Research Notes: “Dennis A. Spellissy in New York” by Alfred Isacsson, O.Carm.
Vol. 21 (2007): “The Fenians and the Anglo-American Naturalization Question” by William Keogan; “Recollections from St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral” by Gavin Reilly, O.F.M.Cap; “Frank McCourt’s New York: Place, Memory, and the Performance of Identity” by Aoileann Ni Eigeartaigh, Ph. D.,: “Doctor Edward McGlynn: Champion of the Irish” by Alfred Isacsson, O. Carm.; “Of Hoods and Canaries” by Pat Willard; Profiles, of Jim McCartin and Father Donald Forrester; Extracts: Memories by William Sampson.
Vol. 20 (2006): “ ‘Big Tim’ Sullivan—King of the Bowery,” by Richard F. Welch, Ph.D.; “Remembering the Past: A Story of Murder,” by Maryanne Felter, Ph.D.; “Denis O’Connor” by Alfred Isacsson. O. Carm.; Three Poems by Terence Winch; “Fitz-James O’Brien” by Michael Burke; “Patrick Keely: Prince of Church Architecture,” by Patrick J. McNierney, P.E.; “Irish Town and Local Societies in New York,” by John T. Ridge; “Extracts—Selections from Primary Sources.”
Vol 19 (2005): “The New York Irish In The 1850s: Locked In By Poverty?” by Cormac O Grada; “Liam Mellows’ New York Court Cases,” by Alfred Isacsson, O. Carm.; “Performances of Irishness at New York’s Gaelic Park,” by Sara Brady; “Life in a New York City Fireman’s Family, mid-Twentieth Century,” by Marie Walsh; “Dance Halls of Irish New York,” by John Ridge.
Vol. 18 (2004): “Competing for the Soul of Irish America: The Catholic Church and the Fenian Brotherhood of New York City,” by Timothy G. Lynch; “The Building of St. Patrick’s Cathedral,” by Patrick J. McNierney; “The Notorious Case of James Stephens,” by Hugh E. O’Rourke; “Keeping Longford Connections: The County Longford Colony in New York, Part II,” by John T. Ridge; “The Forgotten Burial Ground,” by Kevin McPartland.
Vol. 17 (2003): “A Recollection,” by John Jefferson Reilly; “The Irish World, FDR and the Great Depression,” by Brian Hanley; “The County Longford Colony in New York—Part 1,” by John T. Ridge; “Two Stories of Irish New York: ‘Lost Hearts’ and ‘A Row and a Ruction,’ by Terence Winch; “’Honest’ John Kelly: Democrat to Autocrat of Tammany Hall,” by Anne Solari; “Coming to New York: A Conversation.”
Vol. 16 (2002): “The Orange Legacy in New York” by John T. Ridge; “The John Street Methodist Church” by Sean MacCurtain; “Architect of the House of Labor: Peter James McGuire” by L.A. O’Donnell; “Early Days at the Disaster: The World Trade Center after Sept. 11” by Patrick J. McInerney; “William O’Dwyer: An Irish Mayor for All New Yorkers” by Marie Sarro; “A Picture of Nativism: Maggie’s New York” by Helen McGuire-Driver; and “Index to New York Irish History, Vol. 1–15” by Mary Nahon Galgan.
Vol. 15 (2001): “Commitment to the Profession: Being a Physician Early in the 20th Century” by John J. Young, III; “Work in Woodside: At Doherty’s Bar and Elsewhere” by Jack Doherty; “Memory Lane: The ’50s, Sewing and Politics” by Peggy Tanner; “In the Labor Movement: Gerald O’Reilly and New York City’s TWU” by Owen Loof; “The Chief: William Feehan’s Last Fire, after Four Decades on the Job” by Elizabeth Kolbert; “Employment for Women and the Irish Immigrant Girls’ Homes (Part II)” by John Ridge; “The New York Irish and the Police: Will the Tradition Continue?” by Hugh O’Rourke.
Vol. 14 (2000): “Irish Rural Culture and the Bergen Hill Riots” by Hugh O’Rourke; “The Work of Education: The Franciscan Brothers in Ireland and Brooklyn” by Emmett Corry, O.S.F.; “One of the Best and Purest Men: Jerome J. Collins and the Jeanette Tragedy” by Karen Daly; “The Irish-American Press As an Agent of Change” by Brian Cogan; “Employment for Women and the Foundation of the Irish Immigrant Girls Home” by John T. Ridge; “Courage for Any Venture” by L.A. O’Donnell.
Vol. 13 (1999): “Exiled to New York! A United Irishman’s Memories” by John Caldwell Jr.; “An Irish or Nativist Riot? The Abingdon Square Incident” by Hugh E. O’Rourke; “Through Irish Eyes: The Civil War Photography of Timothy O’Sullivan” by Brian McGinn; “Nursing Sisters in the Civil War: The New York Aspect” by James Higgins; “No America for Me! Going to New York in 1906” by Nora O’Connor Stine; “Growing Up in Woodside: The Mets at Mid-Century” an interview with B. J. Leddy; “The Roundtable in Transition—A Fifteenth-Year Retrospective” by Ann M. Shea; and “Modernity, Identity and the Returning Irish Emigrant” by Mary Corcoran.
Vol. 12 (1998) [dedicated to Paul O’Dwyer]: “Eulogy for Paul O’Dwyer” by Frank Durkan; “In Memoriam” by George Harrison; “Paul O’Dwyer, In His Own Words” Interview by Jane Muller; “Famine Relief from Brooklyn” by Harvey Strum; “Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore” by John T. Ridge; “Ethnic Cinema in Nickelodeon Era New York City” by Patrick J. Mullins; “Capital Punishment & the New York Irish” by Marion R. Casey; “On the Streets of Park Slope” by William Geoghan; “At Play in the City” by William Geoghan and Frank Naughton; “Between Yankee Stadium & Gaelic Park” by Mary Clogston; “Pete McNulty’s Cousin” and “What I Hear” by Terence Winch; “The Irish in the Rockaways” by Terrence Flynn, Sr.; “Staten Island Irish” by John T. Ridge.
Vol. 11 (1997): “The Life and Times of Muldoon, the Solid Man” by Don Meade; “A Century Before the GAA: Hurling in 18th Century New York” by Brian McGinn; “John Kenny and the Easter Rising” by Fran Crist; “A Gathering of the Clans” by Emmett Corry, O.S.F.; “Calvary Comes to Queens: The Emergence of Long Island City” by Richard F. Teevan; “The Lord Mayor of Long Island City, Paddy Gleason” by Thomas Collins; “A Calvary Gravedigger’s Story” by Joe Doyle.
Vol. 10 (1996): “The World of Mary Farrington, 1841–1932” by Elsie Reynolds; “When Williamsburg and Greenpoint Were Irish” by John Ridge; “Joseph Campbell and the School of Irish Studies at Fordham University, 1928–1932” by Thomas C. Hennessy; “A United Irish Utopia? The Movement for an Irish Immigrant Settlement in America, 1815–1818” by Frank Naughton.
Vol. 9 (1995): “The Great Hunger in New York” by John Ridge; “The Escape of Fenian Prisoners from Fremantle in 1876” by John Teahan; “Famine Survivors, 1845–1855” by NYIHR members; “Historical Treasures from the Vaults of the Emigrant Savings Bank.”
Vol. 8 (1993–94): “Patrick F. Scanlan, The Brooklyn Tablet and the New Deal” by Patrick J. McNamara; “War and Recruitment–Peasants as Patriots” by Marion A. Truslow; “The Arrival of the Fenian Exiles to New York” by Hugh E. O’Rourke; “Taking Care of Their Own: Irish Catholics, Health Care and Saint Vincent’s Hospital, 1850–1900” by Bernadette McCauley.
Vol. 7 (1992–93): “Identities in Conflict: New York Irish Catholics’ Response to the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939” by Julie K. Wood; “O’Byrne DeWitt: A Window on Irish Music Recording in America” by Meabh Ni Fhuarthain; “Crossing Highbridge” by Maureen Waters; “The De La Salle Christian Brothers in New York, 1848–1914” by Philip M. Dowd F.S.C.
Vol. 6 (1991–92): “The Orange and Green Riots” by Stephen J. Sullivan; “The Hidden Gaeltacht in Old New York: 19th Century Preaching in the Irish Language” by John Ridge; “Keeping the Tradition Alive: A History of Irish Music and Dance in New York City” by Marion R. Casey; “Johnny Patterson: The Rambler from Clare” by Harry Bradshaw.
Vol. 5 (1990–91): “The Green and the Black: Irish Nationalism and the Dilemma of Abolitionism” by John Wertheimer; “The Shanleys of Broadway” by Leo J. Shanley; “A History of the Pipes and Drums of the Emerald Society, New York City Police Department” by Robert J. Hogan; “Religion and the Rise of Mass Immigration: The Irish Community in New York City, 1815-1840” by Kevin G. Kenny.
Vol. 4 (1989): “The Shamrock of New York, the First Irish American Newspaper” by John P. O’Connor; “Archbishop Hughes and the Question of Ireland, 1829-1862” by Charles P. Connor; “Jersey City: The Irish Across the River” by John Ridge; “The Union Club Riot of Thanksgiving Day 1920” by Hugh E. O’Rourke; “The Lost Generation: The Undocumented Irish in New York City in the 1980s” by Linda Dowling Almeida.
Vol. 3 (1988): “The New York GAA: Origins to Golden Jubilee” by Joseph Milkovits; “Ethnic Boundaries and Legal Barriers: The Labor Market Experience of Undocumented Irish Workers in New York City” by Mary P. Corcoran; “New York Welcomes the John Mitchels” by Rebecca O’Conner; “County Cork in New York: A History of the County Cork Association” by Liam Dunphy; “Twentieth Century Irish Immigration to New York City: The Historical Perspective” by Marion R. Casey.
Vol. 2 (1987): “Victor Herbert: An Irishman and the New York Philharmonic” by Marion R. Casey; “Counting Board, Altar and Vista: The Bradys and Inisfada” by Richard Harmond; “The Return of Dr. Gallagher” by John Ridge; “The Irish and the Democratic Party, 1798–1884” by Anthony Gronowicz; “The Irish Brigade at the Battle of Fredricksburg” by Rev. Patrick O’Flaherty.
Vol. 1 (1986): “The Last Mayor of Long Island City: Patrick Jerome Gleason” by Joseph Brunelle; “The Gaelic Revival in 19th Century New York” by John Ridge; “The Controversial History of the TWU” by Joe Doyle; “Folk Memory of the Urban Irish” by Dennis Clark.